enviraPAC Monticello
Renewable Engineered Carbon Powders
A renewable carbon powder material derived from sustainable biomass feedstock utilizing a proprietary, C02 neutral, auto-thermic technology.
EnviraPAC Carbon Powder Products are biomass based carbon powders produced in an environmentally friendly way with sustainability as a driving factor to success.
Our state-of-the-art production facility located in Monticello, Arkansas has the ability & capacity to produce renewable engineered carbon powders to meet a multitude of applications & specifications for domestic & worldwide delivery.
Organic Feedstock
About EnviraPAC
EnviraPAC Monticello LLC is located in the Southern Region of Arkansas providing access to the biomass feedstock used in the state-of-the-art production facility located in Monticello, Arkansas.
EnviraPAC’s state of the art processing, packaging and production is supported by qualified and accredited lab staff and engineers who ensure the consistency and quality of the company’s renewable engineered carbon products.
With the ability to produce various grades of engineered carbon powders and the infrastructure in place for future production expansion, gives EnviraPAC the advantage to anticipate market growth and future demand.
The production facility is designed to produce a range of purities and particle size distributions to meet the various specifications and requirements of multiple applications and customer needs.
EnviraPAC Monticello is synonymous with quality, consistency, reliability, and most importantly, customer service and technical support.
Manufacturing Process

EnviraPAC Monticello strives to maintain a clean and pleasant working environment while producing a renewable engineered carbon product focusing on quality, consistency, and reliability as a biomass carbon powder producer.

Market Brands
Agriculture Applications
EnviraChar™ Powders & Granules
Industrial Applications
EnviraCarb™ Powders and Granules
EnviraCarb Carbon Powders meet stringent application requirements and specifications for Engineered Products, Industrial, Automotive, and Lubricants industries. EnviraPAC also offers biomass carbon powder solutions for drilling fluids and fluid loss prevention reducing carbon footprint. EnviraPAC’s biomass products fit within a company’s efforts to increase the use of renewable carbon powder alternatives thereby reducing a company’s carbon footprint and improving the performance of products.
EnviraChar Powders & Granules for agriculture and livestock applications provide solutions for livestock waste management. The unique ammonia retention properties can reduce volatilization and leaching. Ongoing research also shows inherent phosphorus immobilization capabilities.
The focus on the environment and sustainability of the planet creates the unique opportunity for EnviraPAC to offer renewable carbon powders that meet a company’s environmental awareness and participation goals.
EnviraPAC Monticello produces biomass renewable carbon powders in a range of purities and particle size distributions.
An ISO 9001 QA/ QC program ensures critical documentation from production to lab to the customer. From sample to production shipments include standard documentation – COA’s, MSDS, TDS, and adherence to the highest attention to detail on packaging and product protection/integrity during shipment and delivery to customers worldwide.
EnviraPAC understands and advances the importance of quality, especially in supporting environmental awareness. We have developed our Quality Management System focusing on the dynamics of market and customer needs.
The EnviraPAC production facility is ISO 9001:2015 Certified focused on a compressive quality control / quality assurance program that our customers expect from a “green” BioMass carbon powder production company.
Get In Touch
Contact Our Sales Group – Today For Evaluation Samples, TDS, or Technical Questions.
EnviraPAC Monticello LLC
346 Firing Range Rd.
Monticello, AR 71655
Email: info@envira-pac.com
Plant Office
Sales and Technical Information